Join the Chuck Richardson Book Launch Team!

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

What this team?

A launch team is a group of readers who are ready and willing to get the word out on the street about my first book, True Status. When I think of my launch team, I think of my first readers, my inside circle, my front lines, my friends.

What is True Status about?

True Status is a novel about a Black college math professor, Billy Yates, who is skeptical about God’s goodness and power. He is confronted by an angel about his attitude and challenged to examine his own past rather than accuse God of wrongdoing. Soon thereafter Billy discovers a strange message on his body, and so he begins a sometimes terrifying spiritual journey. True Status is also the story of God’s pursuit of every human heart with the gospel of Jesus Christ. For more about the story visit

What am I looking for in launch team members?

Readers excited about True Status and who want to share that excitement within their sphere of influence.

What’s involved in such an endeavor?

As a launch team member, you will receive a free, advance copy of True Status.

Members are asked to read the book prior to release and then spread the word, as far and wide as possible!

The single most important thing launch team members do is post a short review on Amazon after the book is released. It only needs to be a paragraph or two. Amazon guidelines require you to disclose our relationship. You could do that by adding a statement like this to the end of your review, “This review was based on a complimentary copy.” If you’ve never posted a review before, I’ll provide instructions (a few simple steps) on how to do it.

Beyond that, anything else you do is icing on the cake! Here are some ideas, but none of these are mandatory. Whatever you feel comfortable with. The biggest help is the review.

  • Talk about True Status on social media sites.
  • Post a review on any other online review site (like Goodreads) where you’d like to post it.
  • Direct people to my website.
  • Purchase copies to give away as Christmas and birthday gifts.
  • Ask your local library or church library to purchase a copy of True Status.
  • Blog about True Status.
  • Write a review for your local newspaper.
  • Share your favorite quotes from the book online. If you purchase an e-book, highlight your favorite quotes.
  • Suggest the book on reading forums, like those you can find on GoodReads.
  • If you’re part of a Bible study or any other group, tell them about the book.

What do you get out of the deal?

You will receive a free advance copy of True Status (pdf file) and my undying gratitude.  I’ll invite you to join a private book launch Facebook group where I’ll keep you posted about the progress of the launch; you will be able to ask me questions about the story as well as to share your own thoughts about True Status. If you are not on Facebook, I’ll keep you posted through email.

If this sounds like a team you’d like to be part of, please let me know by completing the Contact Me form of my website.