
Why Did God Create the Universe?

Why are we here? Why is anything here?

Right before Jesus suffered arrest, a sham trial, torture, and crucifixion, he prayed to God. The prayer is recorded in the New Testament in John chapter 17. The prayer includes these words, “And now You, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world existed.” (John 17:5 NAS)

This verse shows Jesus existed with God before the world was created and that Jesus desired to return to the glorious existence he had with God before becoming a human being. This is one of many scriptures that make it clear that Jesus was not just a man. Jesus was and is God, and he had a wonderful existence with the Holy Spirit and God, our heavenly father before the universe was created.

The purpose of this article is to explore what the Bible reveals about why God created the universe and the Earth, a place that God knew would cause himself so much agony. I wouldn’t purposely create something I knew was going to torture and kill me. Would you? God is greater and wiser than we are, so why did he do it? If we can understand God’s purpose for creation, hopefully we can better understand our purpose as human beings.

Was God lonely or needy in some way? Under the Law of Moses, God directed the Israelites to offer a variety of offerings and animal sacrifices to him which might lead you to think God created people so they could satisfy a need that God had. Scripture reveals the purposes of the sacrifices were rooted in reminding the people of how God had delivered them from trouble in the past and how they needed God every moment. Sin offerings gave the people the opportunity to acknowledge their sins and to seek God’s forgiveness, so they could be restored to a right relationship with God. These rituals were designed to humble the people and establish a nation reliant on God, unfortunately many God-ordained practices resulted in spiritual pride instead of humility. No offering or sacrifice should be thought of as filling any sort of lack on God’s part. God is self-existent and completely self-sufficient. This fact is confirmed by God’s declaration in the Psalms.

 “For every animal of the forest is Mine,

The cattle on a thousand hills.

“I know every bird of the mountains,

And everything that moves in the field is Mine.

“If I were hungry I would not tell you,

For the world is Mine, and everything it contains.” (Psalm 50:10-12 NAS)

The Bible says everything in heaven and earth was created by Jesus for himself and for his own glory and pleasure. The universe is for God, everything in the universe, the earth and all it contains was created to please God and to glorify Him. Read these scriptures and see if you agree with me.

“for by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or rulers, or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.” (Colossians 1:16 NAS)

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Revelation 4:11KJV)

“Everyone who is called by My name, And whom I have created for My glory,

Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.” (Isaiah 43:7 NAS)

Does the fact that God created a God-centric universe reveal a character flaw in God? Is God selfish for creating a world for his own glory and pleasure? If you looked at my office, you’d find my office reflects my life, my family, my accomplishments, and things I like. My house reflects the same thing. Correction, the house reflects my wife’s creativity! She has decorations for every holiday and season of the year. Don’t you expect our home to reflect us and our lives? Wouldn’t it be strange for a neighbor to come for a visit and begin changing the décor and rearranging the furniture in our home? That would be a great way to start a fight. It would be even weirder if we allowed someone else to control what happens in our home.

God has created a universe that reflects him. It is for him, for his honor, and for his glory. This is as it should be. As part of God’s creation, we need to take to heart that we are not the center of the universe, God is the focal point of everything. We need to do everything we can to understand God and his creation, then we’ll better understand our own purpose.

The creation provides evidence about God’s nature. Scripture reveals that God is angry that humanity has so often refused to accept what God has revealed through creation about his divine nature. Creation testifies of God’s existence, power, and wisdom. Consider this scripture from the book of Romans.

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of people who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:18-20 NAS)

We can deduce something else about God’s reason for the universe and all it contains. God creates because he is creative. The diversity of life forms, natural structures, and the intricate physical laws that govern our world show God’s incredible intelligence and creativity. The more scientists reveal about this world, the more we should praise God.

Why did God create human beings? It is evident that God loves relationships. God himself, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are an eternal community of loving relationships and God invites us to be a part of that community. God has a plan for every life designed so every person knows he exists and they seek God out. In the book of Acts the apostle Paul explained the true God to people who had fallen into the worship of false gods.

  and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might feel around for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His descendants.’ (Act 17:26-28 NAS)

This passage reveals we are all descendants of Adam and that God established societies and determined the places each person was to live so everyone would seek him and find him. God creates because he loves relationships. What does this mean for you and me? It means that God intentionally decided the precise time and place of our birth. The families we were born into were by God’s own design. God seeks a relationship with you and me, and God has a purpose for our lives. No one is here by accident.

 I began this article with John 17:5 from the prayer of Jesus. Let’s return to that prayer and look at verses four and five.

“I glorified You on the earth by accomplishing the work which You have given Me to do. And now You, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world existed.” (John 17:4-5 NAS)

The first sentence of this passage shows Jesus glorified God by accomplishing the work God gave him to do. Even though Jesus was equal to God, Jesus didn’t do his own will, he did what God asked him to do. Likewise, you and I have God-ordained work to do that will glorify God. This is our purpose. This is why we exist. Even though the universe is God-centric, God graciously equips us to do good works that glorify him and satisfy us. We may be called to do things that are difficult, but we are called to a life of purpose, meaning, and joy. What could be better than that? Will you choose to learn and to do what God has called you to do?

Photo by Vincentiu Solomon on Unsplash

4 thoughts on “Why Did God Create the Universe?”

  1. Well written Chuck. It reminded me of a saying I heard a long time ago that went something like this: I may have a better way of running the universe than God does, but I don’t have a universe.

    Take care my friend.

  2. Another well-written tome. Many of us have seen many parts of the world and God’s creations. It is always a blessing to wake up in the morning and view God’s works. Take care old friend.

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