
The Jeremy Blinker Story

Below is a fictional story that was inspired by a chapter in the Bible. Stories can be a great tool for Bible teachers to use to engage their students in active learning. Before you get to the end of the story, see if you can guess what Biblical event inspired this story The Jeremy Blinker Story Jeremy Blinker eased into his favorite chair to get ready to watch the game. Jeremy looked around his family…

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What sins have you overlooked?

John the Baptist preached repentance. Ordinary people were fascinated by John and his teaching. His listeners were not religious and many of them were far from God. John told them if they repented they would also do the deeds that reflected their repentance (Luke 3:8). So the people asked what they should do. John gave them very clear answers. Luke 3:11-14 11 And he would answer and say to them, “The man who has two…

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Deuteronomy 8: Miracles in the Wilderness

After the Hebrew slaves came out of Egypt, God established his covenant through Moses with Israel. God gave Israel, The Ten Commandments and many other ordinances and statutes that formed the Law of Moses. However, even under the Law of Moses God expected his people to live by faith in him, and not in their ability to keep the law. The problem was that as a nation they did not have faith in God. So…

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Create problems… (in a good way)

Challenging problems are one of a teacher’s best tools to spur student learning. You have many options for creating problem solving opportunities for your students such as using projects, case studies, fictional scenarios, and role plays. The goal is to create a learning activity that encourages your students to apply what they have learned and equally important, to identify where they lack understanding and skills. For eighteen years, I was a quality management consultant and…

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Motivating teachers, parents, and students

This summer, I was scheduled to lead a Bible teacher’s workshop in Louisville, Kentucky at a local church. However, as with almost everyone’s plans in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to do things differently. We rescheduled the workshop for next spring and we’ll meet via Zoom. So now I have more time to work on my material! My contact at the church requested that the workshop include discussion on how to motivate teachers, parents,…

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Bible. Teaching. Stories.

I was excited to complete my first novel, True Status, but then I was disappointed to learn that many literary agents only consider authors who have a strong social media presence. For years, I have had personal Facebook and Linkedin pages, but I rarely posted anything. However, after thinking more about it, I began liking the idea of having a blog and trying to reach out to people online. I believe the best way to…

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