
Bible. Teaching. Stories.

I was excited to complete my first novel, True Status, but then I was disappointed to learn that many literary agents only consider authors who have a strong social media presence. For years, I have had personal Facebook and Linkedin pages, but I rarely posted anything. However, after thinking more about it, I began liking the idea of having a blog and trying to reach out to people online.

I believe the best way to live better is to take the Bible to heart, to understand the Bible’s teachings, and to work at living according to those teachings.

I consider myself to be an educator and teacher both professionally and in the church. In my work as an educator, I have often created fictional scenarios to stir interest and learning. Therefore, this blog will focus on three general areas: scripture passages, ideas and methods related to education and teaching the Bible, and fictional stories or scenarios that support better understanding of biblical principles, Jesus, and Christian living.

I look forward to hearing your ideas regarding these three areas.

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